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ATX/Kleinrock – Total Kleinrock Office/TaxExpert

The CD-based version of the program sports a similar interface to ATX's software and enables integration between the two.

Total Kleinrock Office (TKO) is offered by ATX through its Kleinrock Publishing division. TKO is part of the Total Tax office plus and Total integrated office bundles, but Federal TaxExpert is bundled with many other research bundles. The CD-based version of the program sports a similar interface to ATX’s software and enables integration between the two. TKO includes the Federal TaxExpert and All States TaxExpert research products, which offer primary source materials for federal and all 50 states including tax code, rulings, regulations and other government publications, as well as expert analysis and periodic tax bulletins. Additionally, TKO includes Kleinrock’s Employment TaxExpert, ATX’s ZillionForms, unlimited W-2/1099 e-filing and Kleinrock CPE courses. The CD-based version reviewed here costs $500 plus $125 shipping for a version that includes online research access, monthly CD updates, a biweekly tax bulletin and the annual tax guide. Switching to a quarterly CD update drops shipping to $35. A multi-user version of the program costs an additional $250.

EASE OF USE – 5 Stars
TaxExpert offers a very smooth and
intuitively designed interface that
opens to a master window that houses
several task icons and pull-down
menus, and provides a Main Menu
of available research libraries
in a tabbed subwindow. This screen
acts as the primary starting point
for searches, allowing users to
select a collection from a list,
then select from several buttons
for the type of action they are
performing: Browse, Retrieve Specific,
Word Search, Advanced Search or
Code Search. Several libraries can
be searched simultaneously using
the Multiple Database Search tab.

specific documents, such as the
Internal Revenue Code, the program
offers a linked table of contents
for the document, allowing users
to jump to specific sections, which
then open in the full workscreen
window. Forward and back arrows
ease movement between sections in
the document, and an icon shortcut
provides access to a History of
search activity that allows re-searching
of that criteria. Other functions
include a viewed document trail
and the ability to quickly jump
to any library within the system.
TaxExpert allows copying and pasting,
and its print feature makes it easy
to print selected areas or an entire

The generic Help utility offers adequate
table-of-contents-style assistance
with searching and program functions.
ATX and Kleinrock include technical
assistance with purchase, as well
as access to online support and
ATX’s online user community,

CONTENT – 5 Stars

Total Kleinrock Office includes
Federal TaxExpert, which provides
codes and regulations with more
than 25 volumes of expert analysis
and 100,000 cases and rulings. Also
included are the All States TaxExpert,
the Employment TaxExpert, Total
Tax Guide, 1040 Quick Answers, Biweekly
Federal Tax Bulletins and several
handbooks, all of which provide
additional primary source material
as well as analysis. Specific libraries
include Internal Revenue Code, committee
reports, treasury regulations, proposed
regulations, TD preambles, tax court
actions, IRS publications (TIPS),
IRS rulings and procedures, IRS
announcements and notices, the IRS
Penalties Handbook, tax treaties,
settlement guidelines, market segment
papers, Kleinrock’s analysis,
and additional miscellaneous documents.
The system includes tax-related
statutes and regulations for all
states plus D.C., as well as all
state forms, instructions, publications
and administrative materials. ATX’s
ZillionForms includes more than
10,000 printable tax forms.

Kleinrock’s TaxExpert research
integrates with ATX’s programs
and is offered in several bundles
with its preparation programs, including
Total Tax Office Plus. This integration
enables users working in the tax
preparation program to have immediate
access to line-specific primary
research or analysis from Kleinrock’s
Total Tax Guide and TaxExpert. The
program allows saving entire documents
to plain text files (*.TXT) and
enables copying and pasting of content
into other Windows-based programs.


TaxExpert automatically saves searches
into the search history, which allows
users to easily re-perform previous
queries, and also allows searched
documents to be bookmarked for later
viewing. Previously viewed documents
are also saved in the Document Trail
list. The CD-based system does not
provide a method to automatically
perform recurring searches or enable
user-defined defaults to narrow
content to specific tax areas or
subjects. TaxExpert offers little
additional customization capabilities.

UPDATES – 3.5 Stars
Since the system is accompanied
by an online component, a method
of updating the program via the
company’s web site would be
expected. Unfortunately, this is
not available. Users relying on
the CD-based version must rely on
the periodic CD updates, which must
be placed in the CD-ROM drive for
access to research libraries (unless
using the networked version). Depending
upon the subscription, these updates
are either quarterly or monthly.
Utilizing the online function, which
is included in the CD subscription,
users can access changes and analysis
that have taken place since the
last update.


TaxExpert offers a comprehensive
research program that includes a
very strong selection of libraries
with primary documents for federal
and state taxation issues, as well
as well-respected expert analysis
of federal issues. The inclusion
of ATX’s ZillionForms and
W-2/1099 preparation, in addition
to integration with ATXs
preparation programs and the inclusion
of additional features for a moderate
price, make this program an attractive
option to smaller and mid-sized
firms handling diverse clients,
especially those firms using ATX
tax preparation software.

2005 OVERALL RATING: 4.5 Stars

The products were reviewed based
on the following criteria:

  • Ease of Use. This section explores navigation features, including accessibility of primary search tools and functions. As
    well, the ability to save common
    searches or specific results,
    or copy and paste contents of
    documents, adds to ease of use.
    Higher scores in this area reflect
    a comfortable, easy-to-use interface
    that provides intuitive access
    to key functions.
  • Content. This section points out the research libraries available, including federal and state sources. It also identifies what type of content is available: primary sources such as code and rulings, as well as expert analysis and insight. A higher score here is earned by products with a comprehensive array of federal resources, including the availability of state research products. Research analysis is also considered, although not all professionals will seek such guidance.
  • Integration. This section observes the ability of the software to work with tax preparation or write-up programs to automatically find areas of potential relevancy within the research, as well as
    the ability to attach or link
    saved research results to appropriate
    client files. Programs receiving
    better marks in this category
    make working between tax preparation,
    write-up and the research program
    more efficient.
  • Customization. This section covers the ability of the programs to organize specific areas or subscribe to only specific areas, which allows practitioners to narrow down research content to only those areas relevant to their practice. A mountain of research is available; products scoring well in this section provide good sorting and personalization methods that enable users to tailor the program to meet their needs.
  • Updates. With constantly changing tax law, the currency of information can be crucial. This section looks at how often research libraries are updated and by what method: CD, online automatic. Few practitioners enjoy performing software updates. As such, this section identifies
    the frequency and ease with which
    product updates are performed,
    with automatic, schedulable and
    online update capabilities receiving
    better marks.
  • Relative Value. This section offers the reviewer’s subjective opinion of the “bang for the buck.”